Monday, 25 September 2017

Biography of Michael Faraday Electric Inventor

Michael Faraday is a scientist from England. He is the most influential scientist in history because he contributes in the field of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. Electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and electrolysis are the result of his invention which is very useful for human civilization.

Michael Faraday was born on September 22, 1971 in Newington, Surrey, England. He was the third of four children of James and Margaret Faraday. He comes from a poor family, his father is just a smith.

Faraday received only the fundamentals of penididkan, learning in reading as well as writing, and ciphers in the Church Sunday School. At the age of 14, he became a newspaper pamphlet and bookbinder at George Riebau, where bookbinding and booksellers exist in Blandford Street. Not only work, he used his activities to read some books. At that time he also developed an interest in science, especially in the field of electricity. He is captivated by two books, The Encyclopedia Britannica, the source in the list of knowledge and the book Conversations on Chemistry by Jane Marcet.
In 1812, when he was 20 years old. Faraday attended a lecture by a British chemist named Sir Humphry Davy at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in London. He records the lectures discussed by Davvy in his notebook.
With that record Faraday's dream to enter the world of science will soon materialize. He sent a copy of his note that would be sent to Davy along with a letter to ask for a job.
Working at the Royal InstitutionMichael Faraday began work at the Royal Institution of Great Britaian in March 1813, as Davy's laboratory assistant to assist in preparing the equipment for the experiment. He studied chemistry from one of the greatest scientists ever. Davy said that Faraday was his greatest discovery.

In 1821 at the age of 29 years. Michael Faraday was appointed Inspector of the Royal Institution Laboratory. He married Sarah Barnard on June 12, 1821, with his wife living in the Royal Institution. He was elected a member of the Royal Society in 1824. In 1825, he became Director of the Royal Institution's Laboratory.
In 1833, Faraday became Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of Great Britain he held this position until his whole life. In 1848 and 1858 he was offered the presidency of the Royal Society, but the offer was rejected by Faraday.
Discovery Michael FaradayHere are the discoveries of Michael Faraday:
Electromagnetic Rotation (1821)The discovery eventually evolved into an electric motor, based on the discovery of Hans Christian Oersted that the wires carrying electric current have magnetic properties.
Gas Search and Cooling (1823)In 1802, John Dalton had stated that all gas can be liquefied by using low temperatures or in high pressure. Faraday provides evidence of Dalton's exposure by applying pressure to melt chlorine and ammonia gas.
Faraday observed that every ammonia vaporized was caused by cooling. The principle of cooling through evaporation has been shown by William Cullen in Edinburgh in 1756. Cullen uses a pump to reduce the pressure on the thermos ether which causes the ether to evaporate rapidly.
The importance of Faraday's invention is that he has shown that mechanical pumps can convert gas into liquids. The liquid can then evaporate, the surrounding cooling and the resulting gas can be collected and converted to liquid again by the pump, then the cycle can be repeated. This is the basis of how the refrigerator works.
Also read: Biography of Albert Einstein Physicist.
Benzene (1825)Benzene is one of the important substances present in chemistry. Michael Faraday found benzene in oil residues left behind from the gas production process used for lighting in London.
Electromagnetic Induction (1831)This is the most important discovery for life in the future. Faraday found that varying magnetic fields caused electricity to flow in electrical circuits.
Before this was discovered, people were only able to generate electric current with batteries, but Faraday has shown that movement can turn into electricity or in scientific can be explained as kinetic energy can be converted into electrical energy.
In the present invention, the existing electricity in our homes is currently manufactured using the principle of Faraday. Kinetic energy is converted into electricity using electromagnetic induction.
Faraday's Law of Electrolysis (1834)Electrolysis is a new science of electrochemistry. This science understands what happens to the electrode interface with the ionic substance. Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry about the process of chemical energy changes into electrical energy and vice versa, and its use. This law is helpful in the understanding of electrode reactions.
Faraday Effect (1845)Faraday discovered that the plane of polarized linearly polarized light can be rotated by the application of the outer magnetic field parallel to the direction in which the light moves.
This invention relates electromagnetism and light. Everything is described by the James Clerk Maxwell equation in 1864, which specifies that light is an electromagnetic wave. Michael Faraday discovered that the magnetic field causes the field of polarization of light to rotate.
Diamagnetism (1845)Faraday found that all the diamagnetic substances were mostly weak so there were only a few strong ones. Diamagnetism defies the direction of the applied magnetic field. For example, if you hold the magnetic north pole close to a diamagnetic substance, it will be pushed away from the magnet.
DieMichael Faraday was born on September 22, 1971 and died on August 25, 1867. In his marriage to Sarah, he had no children. During his lifetime, he has been offered to be buried in Wstminster Abey along with the British king and queen and scientist Isaac Newton. But he refused, he asked the grave where his wife was buried. Faraday is buried at Highgate Cemetery.


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